[wdmmg-discuss] Using where does my money goes in Participatory Democracy

Friedrich Lindenberg friedrich.lindenberg at okfn.org
Tue May 3 00:14:00 UTC 2011

Hi Miguel,

I think it would be very interesting to have some way of creating
shadow budgets in OpenSpending. I just met Sean (CC), the creator of
http://votewithyourtaxes.com/ at TransparencyCamp. His site allows you
to propose an alternative priorization of the items of the US budget
and then contrast that with the actual decision, generating a letter
that you can send to your representatives. Given the data in
OpenSpending and the voting work we've done in YourTopia
(yourtopia.net), it should be simple to generalize such a
functionality to support different kinds of budgets and multiple
levels of detail.

Is that similar to what you're looking for? Do you have any
programming capacity to support the implementation of such an idea?

- Friedrich

2011/5/2 Miguel Prados Rodríguez <miguelpradosrodriguez at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I am Miguel from Spain, I have created a political party, "participatory
> democracy" that will bid for the local elections in many cities in Spain.
> I've found this application very useful and I wonder whether it could be
> used by citizens to actually "choose" the distribution they want for the
> city budget, making participatory democracy a reality.
> Regards, Miguel
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