[OpenSpending] [okfn-br] OpenSpending in Brazil (also the HackerBus)

Everton Zanella Alvarenga everton.alvarenga at okfn.org
Tue Apr 10 14:21:15 UTC 2012

Adding professor Gisele email to Open Spending mailing list. We all
definitely should discuss this in Brasília and during the meet up with
Rufus and Helen Darbishire on the 19th of April, in São Paulo.

2012/4/10 Gisele S. Craveiro <gisele.craveiro at gmail.com>:
> Hi everybody,
> Pedro, the link is still not working.
> I also share the same opinion about an activity in order to hack
> some data from municipalities. I believe that we should focus
> in a local approach, in order to help the ordinay citizen understand
> how her/his life is impacted.
> I´d like to say that Edson in TCE-SP is facing great challenges
> and doing an excellent job in order to make available financial data from
> more than 600 municipalities from São Paulo state (except the capital).
> Unfortunately they download/API section has some problems and he´ll
> take a while in order to redesing it. By this moment the only and best
> alternative is to use the CSV. It will be great to put all datasets (about 600
> municip. multiplied by 4 years) in OpenSpending during the Brasilia meeting.
> I´d like also to say that we, from University of São Paulo
> are interested to participate, as we are also working with  all these
> data. There is
> very interesting information but, unfortunately, others are lacking
> (even in these CSVs).
> It will be very important to have an strategie in order to make
> pression for them
> (Ministério Público? Lei de Acesso à Informação?). I also have this expectation
> for our meeting.
> Cheers,
> Gisele

Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
Open Knowledge Foundation Brasil

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