[OpenSpending] coins dataset departments + supplementary graph

Peter Jungen el-nebuloso at gmx.de
Sat Apr 21 08:17:50 UTC 2012

Hi there,

first time post, I have a question about the coins dataset, and the
supplementary graph.

The departments are identified through department-codes (a data
structure definition DSD dimension), and  department-groups (a DSD
attribute) attached to the single observations.

I found out which departments belong to a specific group by a query[2]
on observations, but I dont like this is workaround.

-Is there a supplementary graph providing further information about the
(hierarchy-tree) structure of the departments and department, a simple
rdfs ontology that I can query?
..Or further Information on departments, who is head of department etc?
The design as laid out in [1] makes me suggest this.
I would realy like to find this out!

Regards Peter

SELECT distinct ?depCode WHERE {
?obs <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type>
?obs <http://finance.data.gov.uk/dsd/coins/attribute/departmentGroup>
?obs <http://finance.data.gov.uk/dsd/coins/dimension/departmentCode>

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