[OpenSpending-discuss] Giving some feedback on PESA

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Jan 18 11:41:56 UTC 2012

On 17 January 2012 13:20, Lisa Evans <lisa.evans at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> Some of you will remember the OKFN project Where Does My Money Go, which
> aimed to show UK government spending before Open Spending came to life. The
> data we used for WDMMG was called PESA and CRA, and like most data sets it
> had some problems and limitations.
> That data is now used in open spending here:
> http://openspending.org/ukgov-finances-cra
> To make PESA better HM Treasury are having a consultation.
> http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/consult_pesa_national_statistics_user.htm
> As the OKF has a good understanding of PESA I wonder if some of you would
> like to help HM Treasury improve their data.

I think we would.

@Lisa: would you be willing to lead on drafting a response?

> The points I was going to raise/things I'd like from new PESA are:
> - a more detailed breakdown of local authority spending rather than
>  lumping all their spending together into one big LA group.
> - improve the categories of spending so program objects are created
>  based on a taxonomy for spending.
> - spending by UK region as well as estimated cost benefit by region in the
>  Country Regional Analysis.
> - for it to be clear what is budgeted spending and what is actual money
>  spent.
> - guidance on how to recreate PESA from COINS so all the program objects
>  are shown for each program object group.
> - guidance on how get spending for each government department in COINS.
> If anyone has additional points or can expand on these things, especially
> give some ideas for a better taxonomy of spending, please reply.

These all look good. I think additional info on Programme Objects would be good.


> Apologies to those who have no idea what I'm talking about, you can continue
> with your excellent open spending work!
> Lisa
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