[OpenSpending] Hi, everybody...

račan.sk racan.sk at gmail.com
Sat Jul 28 08:14:15 BST 2012

my name is miro scibrany (racansk) from Bratislava, Slovakia, and as a
newcomer to the interesting OpenSpending.org portal, I would like to ask
severel questions:

- when I click „Dashboard“, this message appears: „Something went wrong
Internal Server Error“ - what can I do about it?

- how can be TreeMap and Table of aggregates combined into a single

(TreeMap on top, Table of aggregates below - as it is for example in the
„Berlin Budget“ dataset)

Questions concernig saved visualisations:

- these visualisations can be changed, but how can changes in their design
be saved?

- how can an individual visualisation be deleted/edited?

- why is it possible to assign the same name to various visualisations?

If this is not the right place and manner, where and how to ask such
questions, please, let me know a better way.

Have a nice day,

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