[OpenSpending] First update: Athens to Greece - Diavgeia Profile

Lucy Chambers lucy.chambers at okfn.org
Wed Jul 11 22:01:30 UTC 2012

Dear All,

A while back, we wrote about our travels around Europe, trying to get
a picture of what it is like in the lives of organisations trying to
hold governments to account for their financial activities.

As I wrote, I had difficulty in finding advocacy organisations who
work specifically on analysing financial documents. However, I was
invited to the municipality of Neo Iraklio Attikis to show how
Diavgeia, the government 'Clarity' programme works in action there.
Viewing this as an opportunity to see what tools governments were
providing which could potentially help such organisations, did they
exist - I seized the chance to speak to the team.

This post gives a very brief overview of what Diavgeia is, and why it
may be a very important project for Greece:

In my next post, I'll talk to the *users* of Diavgeia, highlight which
tools they are using to work with the data, and what they are doing
with it and whether there is anything which could be improved...

Till next time,


Lucy Chambers
Community Coordinator,
OpenSpending & Data Journalism
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: lucyfediachambers
Twitter: @lucyfedia

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