[OpenSpending] Hi, everybody...
racan.sk at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 11:19:40 UTC 2012
I would like to ask several questions and discuss some proposals:
- how can the form for browsing entries be customized? (to decide, which
dimensions should be in the main form and which in details etc.)
- if the column "Time" in the form for browsing entries contains only years
(YYYY), is it possible to display it in the same format, i. e. YYYY?
- "*You cannot edit dimensions while data is loaded...":* would not it be
practical to have the choice to display the dimensions model at least in
"read-only" mode?.
*The dimensions which are used to slice the dataset by (facets in entries
browser): *
- would not it be practical to arrange the order (layout) of the facets?
- would not it be practical to sort the values in facets in ascending /
descending order, and/or to enable finding or filtering values in the lists
(dropdowns instead of the list boxes?)?
- can they be modified/deleted?
- would´not it by practical to Save or Save As design changes made by the
user in the Change mode?
- I would appreciate a radio button enabling / disabling the Years filter
(there are case I would like to see complete data, not only data for a
specific year)
- TreeMap:
- I would appreciate displaying time period, filter conditions and Total
- I would appreciate a radio button to switch between display absolute
values / percentage against the total
- will it be (in future) possible to display datasets as timeseries on the
(someting like these timeseries:
Thanks for any answers / suggestions.
Best regards
Miro Ščibrany
račan.sk <http://www.racan.sk>
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