[OpenSpending] Call tomorrow: Splicing and dicing COFOG-compliant budget and linking to IATI data

Lucy Chambers lucy.chambers at okfn.org
Thu Mar 15 16:34:00 UTC 2012

Dear List,

Tomorrow 2PM ,16th March GMTvia Skype tomorrow we will be holding our
first session looking into ways to splice and dice COFOG-compliant
budget expenditures and if possible link them with IATI aid data.

A couple of members of the working group on open spending data are
already joining us, and the more the merrier! If you'd like to join us
- please simply add your name and Skype ID to the pad below.


Looking forward to speaking soon,

All the best,


Lucy Chambers
Community Coordinator,
OpenSpending & Data Journalism
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: lucyfediachambers
Twitter: @lucyfedia

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