[OpenSpending] The open spending handbook sprint

David Cabo david.cabo at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 14:02:18 UTC 2012


 Glad you like it. :)
> One question: is there any way to get access (in bulk) to the raw data underlying the app?

 Yes, all the budget data is in the Euskadi Open Data Portal, one dataset per year [1]. Each budget is spread across 5 CSV files (income, expenses + the reference data for the three classification axis used); it could be transformed quite easily into a "big denormalized CSV" that would fit the OpenSpending format. (I actually planned to do it at some point, but keep postponing it.) 

 The situation of the execution data, however, is worse: only four last years available, in a combination of Excel and PDF [2], although there are plans to open it up soon. The data contains execution figures aggregated at the programme level, doesn't go down to line items. Until the data is opened officially I can extract the structured/cleansed execution data easily (*).



(*) the app already supports downloading the data shown at any point, so a user can get a straightforward CSV with f. ex. the evolution of Health spending without having download the ten budgets, denormalize, aggregate, etc But I didn't include the column with execution figures because I ran out of time.

[1]: http://opendata.euskadi.net/w79-resformx/es?r01kQry=tC%3Aeuskadi%3BtF%3Aopendata%3BtT%3Ads_general%3Bm%3AfullText.EQ.presupuestos%2CdocumentLanguage.EQ.es%3Bp%3AInter%3B
[2]: http://www.ogasun.ejgv.euskadi.net/r51-ctasoce/es/contenidos/informacion/cuentas_anuales_ag_cae/es_def/urteko_kontuak.html
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