[OpenSpending] bribe freedom day romania--tomorrow :)

Andrew Stott andrew.stott at dirdigeng.com
Thu Jan 24 13:06:31 UTC 2013

Great stuff, thanks




From: openspending-bounces at lists.okfn.org [mailto:openspending-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Codru Vrabie
Sent: 24 January 2013 12:26
To: openspending at lists.okfn.org
Subject: [OpenSpending] bribe freedom day romania--tomorrow :)


Hi, everybody :)  As Romania seems to have grabbed all the attention, let me also break the news:  We have used citizen reports of bribery and the well-known method of the Tax Freedom Day to compute that Romanians worked until today on raising money they'll spend in bribes thru 2013--and they can celebrate Bribe Freedom Day tomorrow :)  I can only hope that google translate does a decent job on http://www.piatadespaga.ro/articole/info-i19.html

Cheers! --Codru

codruvrabie.blogspot.com/  GSM: +4-072-355-2180
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind
with an open one.           --Malcolm S. Forbes

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