[OpenSpending] openspending Digest, Vol 43, Issue 6

Anders Pedersen anders.pedersen at okfn.org
Mon Jul 8 00:42:34 UTC 2013

Hi Yudi,
Thanks for sharing this and glad to hear that you are joining the city
spending data party<http://blog.openspending.org/2013/06/30/spending-data-party-announce/>
There are examples of other procurement sites: A few people (some from this
list) made procurement data from the European Union member states available
as CSV-files here <http://data.opented.org/>.
Do you know if the Indonesian government procurement site offers download
of the raw procurement data with *information about the supplier* and the *
amount* of the awarded contract?
If you are able to locate any downloadable data with that kind of
information, you can add the link to the progress
page<http://progress.openspending.org/> or
go ahead and upload the data to
 using this guide <http://openspending.org/help/data-loading.html>. Please
get in touch on the list or on IRC freenode channel: #openspending if you
need any help.


On 5 July 2013 21:19, Permana Yudiarso <permana.yudiarso at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Indonesia has the largest government procurement system which is online,
> transparent and reliable. Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa (LKPP) or
> the Government Goods and Service Procurement Policy Agency<http://www.lkpp.go.id/v3/en/> enacted
> as government regulator, then every government agencies have their
> centralized-procurement task forces and monitored by National Procurement
> Portal <http://inaproc.lkpp.go.id/v3/>. they use IT system called
> electronically procurement system or Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik
> (LPSE)  . to date, there are 1009 registered agencies use and will increase
> significantly following the number of provinces, regencies and
> municipalities including national government ministries and agencies.
> Looking forward to hear other countries or institutions used
> electronically procurement system,
> Regards from Jakarta


Anders Pedersen

Community Coordinator  |  skype: anpehej  |  @anpe <https://twitter.com/>

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