[OpenSpending] Static bubble tree

Lucy Chambers lucy.chambers at okfn.org
Mon Mar 11 12:33:27 UTC 2013

Cool, Tryggvi,

I can only see a really small image there - is there a better link?


On 11 March 2013 12:20, Mehdi GUIRAUD <mehdi.guiraud at gmail.com> wrote:

> it seems the picture does'nt show the bubble tree. I tried to search on
> the news website but my icelandish is really poor, yet. ;)
> 2013/3/11 Tryggvi Björgvinsson <tryggvi.bjorgvinsson at okfn.org>
>> A local newspaper in Iceland ran a coverage of how taxes each day are
>> distributed. The piece is in Icelandic but there is some resemblance to
>> the bubble tree:
>> http://vefblod.visir.is/getFile.php?type=zoomimage&file=1_30.jpg
>> This is a mix of the bubble tree and the daily bread (they look at an
>> average Icelander) as a static image. They promise to continue
>> visualising government data like this in future articles and use this as
>> an example of why government data should be opened.
>> I find all of this very exciting.
>> /Tryggvi
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