[OpenSpending] Dutch Court of Audits asks NATO to open up spending
Anders Pedersen
anders.pedersen at okfn.org
Tue Nov 19 12:53:14 UTC 2013
Hi all,
The Dutch Court of Audits [Algemene Rekenkamer] released in October a brief
proposing NATO to open up transactional level spending [1 - in Dutch].
Last week the Dutch Min. of Defense decided to back the proposal [2].
A *far from authoritative* translation of one of the segments from the
brief goes like this:
"We would reconstruct and present the flow of money in the NATO
organization on an interactive world map. The underlying data for the world
map will be created from open information; we take the point of departure
in the principle of *open spending*."
The brief also includes mentions of the Open Government Partnership.
Do you have other examples of initiatives for spending transparency at
national or international level to share?
It is finally worth noting that other Defense departments have already done
some work in the field eg. UK and Greece. The Danish DoD has published at
transactional level including cash payments made in Afghanistan as result
of deployments there [3].
*Anders Pedersen Community Coordinator | skype: anpehej | @anpe
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