[OpenSpending] Current, structured, detailed budget for a developing country?

Mark Brough mark.brough at publishwhatyoufund.org
Thu Sep 5 14:41:35 UTC 2013

Thanks Lucy!

I'm looking for preferably a budget which we're currently in the middle of
(e.g. a FY13 budget where FY13 includes the current date). But FY12 would
perhaps be ok.

I'll have a look in the IBP budget library - which looks like a great
resource, although the ones I've clicked through to so far are all in PDF.
Will have a look around...


On 5 September 2013 14:03, Lucy Chambers <lucy.chambers at okfn.org> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm not sure what "up to date" means here. But also recommend having a
> look in the Google Drive Budget Library from the International Budget
> Partnership from their 2012 survey:
> https://drive.google.com/a/okfn.org/folderview?pli=1&id=0ByA9wmvBrAnZN3ZrdzNzcS1JZzg#
> Hope that helps!
> Lucy
> On 3 September 2013 23:05, Mark Brough <mark.brough at publishwhatyoufund.org
> > wrote:
>> Ah, no problem. The budgets are here (on the Tanzanian Ministry of
>> Finance site):
>> http://www.mof.go.tz/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=20&Itemid=205
>> This is my scraper of the development budget PDF (my first PDF scraper,
>> so it's not pretty):
>> https://github.com/markbrough/tz-budget
>> CSV data output (there are some mistakes because of the scraper):
>> https://raw.github.com/markbrough/tz-budget/master/data.csv
>> Ugandan budget is also available here (and see links on the side and
>> around) - on the pretty cool new Uganda budget site:
>> http://budget.go.ug/budget/content/national-budget-framework-paper-1
>> Mark
>> On 3 September 2013 21:36, Joseph Kraus <joseph.kraus at one.org> wrote:
>>>  Hi Mark, ****
>>> ** **
>>> Unfortunately, no, just the PDF. (and a hard copy, which doesn’t suit
>>> your purposes either!). That’s all that we were able to get our hands on.
>>> ****
>>> ** **
>>> Would you mind sharing the Tanzania budget? Would be much appreciated. *
>>> ***
>>> ** **
>>> Best,****
>>> Joe****
>>> ** **
>>> *From:* openspending-bounces at lists.okfn.org [mailto:
>>> openspending-bounces at lists.okfn.org] *On Behalf Of *Mark Brough
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 03, 2013 3:49 PM
>>> *To:* OpenSpending Discussion List
>>> *Subject:* Re: [OpenSpending] Current, structured, detailed budget for
>>> a developing country?****
>>> ** **
>>> Joseph,
>>> Thanks a lot for this and good to meet you.****
>>> You don't happen to have it in Excel/CSV? I have a PDF budget for
>>> Tanzania already for FY13, but I was hoping to avoid any more PDF scraping
>>> (I scraped the development budget last Monday, and it wasn't all that
>>> fun...)****
>>> Mark****
>>> ** **
>>> On 3 September 2013 20:27, Joseph Kraus <joseph.kraus at one.org> wrote:***
>>> *
>>> Mark and others who may be interested, ****
>>>  ****
>>> Here are links to the 2013-2014 Malawian government’s budget. It’s
>>> large, hence the three separate files. Feel free to use and/or share. Let
>>> me know if you have any trouble accessing the files. ****
>>>  ****
>>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16118918/Malawi%20Gov't%20Budgets/Malawi%20Goverment%20Volume%20I.pdf
>>> ****
>>>  ****
>>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16118918/Malawi%20Gov't%20Budgets/Malawi%20Government%20Volume%20II.pdf
>>> ****
>>>  ****
>>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16118918/Malawi%20Gov't%20Budgets/Malawi%20Government%20Volume%20III.pdf
>>> ****
>>>  ****
>>> Best,****
>>> Joe****
>>>  ****
>>> *From:* openspending-bounces at lists.okfn.org [mailto:
>>> openspending-bounces at lists.okfn.org] *On Behalf Of *Mark Brough
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 03, 2013 2:16 PM
>>> *To:* openspending
>>> *Subject:* [OpenSpending] Current, structured, detailed budget for a
>>> developing country?****
>>>  ****
>>> Hi all,
>>> Just wanted to send a quick email round in case anyone has a current,
>>> structured, detailed budget, for a developing country?****
>>> I'm looking for:****
>>> - national level, all sectors / departments (sub-national or regional
>>> data would also be interesting)****
>>> - program or project-level expenditure****
>>> - current year (FY13)****
>>> - recurrent and development/capital budgets****
>>> - administrative classifications (if possible), functional or
>>> programmatic classifications would also be good****
>>> - machine-readable****
>>> - preferably a fairly big receiver of aid (and preferably from many
>>> different sources, so probably sub-Saharan Africa)****
>>>  ****
>>> Would be great, working on a little project :-)****
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Mark****
>>> ****
>>> --
>>> Mark Brough
>>> Aid Information Advisor, Publish What You Fund
>>> http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org
>>> Skype: mark-brough - Twitter: @mark_brough****
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> **
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