[OpenSpending] Community updates - Ukraine, Tunesia, France, Rotterdam and much more

Anders Pedersen anders.pedersen at okfn.org
Wed Apr 9 17:48:57 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Thanks for the Community Hangout today!

Here are a few updates from around the openspending community:


   The Privacy policy<https://docs.google.com/a/okfn.org/document/d/1uAIXuKUL-L8GCI7ub01cJPxmdVO8taeR8hoPL7wyu9A/edit?usp=drive_web>was
discussed and reviewed. We will now go ahead and post this on the
   Community site.

   Server updates: Some of you have noticed issues with the OpenSpending
   server. Most of the worst bumps on the road to better performance are over
   now, and we have certainly noticed quite a lot of activity with new
   datasets added during the past week.

   New datasets on OpenSpending include:

      The Ukraine 2014 budget:
      https://openspending.org/budget_ukraine_2014/views/dokhody-2014 - can
      you help translate it into English?

      The Tunesia 2014 budget is also up:


      The budget for the student association of the University of Ulm:

      The region of Ile de France (budgets for 2012 to 2014):

      Budget of Luxembourg(?):

   Marco launched a nice OpenSpending site for Rotterdam:

Do you have data that you would like to add or do you need help clean your
spending data? Let us know here on the list!



*Anders Pedersen Knowledge Development Lead  |  skype: anpehej  |  @anpe
<https://twitter.com/> | 001 202-815-0149 *

*The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/> Empowering through Open
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