[OpenSpending] Contacts at Arachne?

Ronny Patz rpatz at transparency.org
Fri Apr 25 12:21:47 UTC 2014

I would contact Mark Schelfhout. As he’s a Commission official, his email is mark.schelfhout at ec.europa.eu




From: openspending [mailto:openspending-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Eva Vozárová
Sent: 25 April 2014 14:14
To: OpenSpending Discussion List
Subject: [OpenSpending] Contacts at Arachne?


Hi everyone,


I was wondering if perhaps someone here knows someone behind the Arachne risk scoring tool for assessing of governmental expenses, that the DG Employment (?) is building? 


I heard about it only very briefly and would like to get in touch with people on the team. I found two names related to the project: Luc Molemans (supposedly the project manager) and Mark Schelfhout (a Head of unit at the DG), but my Google search yielded no e-mail addresses.


Thanks a lot! 


All the best,

Eva Vozarova


IT projects manager

Aliancia Fair-play


http://datanest.fair-play.sk <http://datanest.fair-play.sk/>  








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