[OpenSpending] I Google Budget Data

Velichka Dimitrova velichka.dimitrova at okfn.org
Tue Jan 14 19:52:28 UTC 2014

Dear all,

We're currently brainstorming about a vocabulary of search terms which are
used by citizens when looking for budget information.

It would be very helpful if you provide some input to a list of search
terms that you find relevant.
Please write down in the list any phrase that you would "google" in order
to learn about the budget of your government or city. Write down a phrase
that you think will return search results which would deliver some useful
information to you about the government's finances.

You could use English or your own language or both. Disregard all other
words you see on the list and write your own even if they may repeat others
that already are written down.

Participation Link<https://docs.google.com/a/okfn.org/document/d/1KDWCABQhFdtGRJcteGcXH7opMJ6C0JmNQaj0sWChl-A/edit#>

Looking forward to your participation!
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