[OpenSpending] Next Community Hangout on Wednesday February 5 - 19CET, 18GMT, 13EDT

Anders Pedersen anders.pedersen at okfn.org
Thu Jan 30 14:05:35 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,

A heads up that we are having a new Community Hangout coming up.

*When:* Wednesday Wednesday February 5 - 19CET, 18GMT, 13EDT

*Where*: Join via Google Hangout. Chat via freenode IRC

*To join*: Add your name and google plus account to the
the scratch pad.

- Introductions and updates: Do you have budget or spending work to share?
- Open Data Day <http://opendataday.org/> is coming up on *February 22*.
Are you interested working on budget or spending data on Open Data Day? We
will give a *quick introduction* on how to use OpenSpending and how you can
use it.
- Spending Stories <http://spendingstories.org> in Spanish: At our last
call Felix and Diego spoke about the plans for a Spanish language
SpendingStories site. We will have an update?
- Add your topic

Hope to see many of you at the hangout!



*Anders Pedersen Community Coordinator  |  skype: anpehej  |  @anpe
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OpenSpending | http://openspending.org |

School of Data | http://schoolofdata.org |
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