[OpenSpending] Fwd: Additional €20,000 available for 15 September call!

Anders Pedersen anders.pedersen at okfn.org
Tue Sep 2 11:17:20 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,

For investigators and journalists on the list who are interested in
reporting on EU spending. If you have ideas for journalism projects on eg.
on EU budgets, spending or farm subsidies, you should consider applying for
this opportunity from the European Journalism Fund (Deadline Sept. 15, all
details below).

Let us know if you need help putting together a research proposal!


call to journalists: follow the EU money* *Journalismfund.eu
<http://Journalismfund.eu> has obtained funding to give special support by
theme. For the call on September 15th we are thus able to allocate an
additional €20,000 to carry out cross-border journalism about EU spending.
The money comes on top of the €30,000 there is for the regular cross-border
working grants.*

Until now Journalismfund.eu has supported any research that combined
European, investigative and cross-border journalism regardless of the
subject. We will continue to do that. However, with the special allocation
we have been able to start experimenting with calls that further include a
special theme. We thus asked ourInternational Advisory Board
 members for their opinion on themes of major importance. Investigations
into EU spending came out as the top priority.

Journalismfund.eu's 15 September application round thus offers two pools of
grant money: the general research grant pool, holding €30,000 for
cross-border European journalism regardless of the theme, and the special
research grant pool for cross-border journalism on EU spending, holding an
additional €20,000. Read more
*(Photo © MPD01605
 New names for International Advisory Board Journalismfund.eu is honoured
to announce new names to strengthen and enlarge its International Advisory
One advisory board member is replaced, while seven new members join.

The International Advisory Board acts as a sounding board for
Journalismfund.eu. It is a meeting point for the investigative journalism
community in Europe and safeguards Journalismfund.eu’s balanced
representation across the whole European continent. The advisory board
makes sure that relevant information and knowledge are passed on from
Journalismfund.eu to all European countries and from the countries to

The advisory board consists of representatives of investigative journalism
associations and centres, as well as other estimated individuals in the
journalism community. Seeing as how that community is ever developing in
Europe, representatives of new organisations need to join the advisory
board from time to time, while others retire from the board. Read more

grant application deadline: 15 September 2014
to offer expertise to other organisations
us raise €25,000 to support investigative journalism in Europe!
© 2014 Journalismfund.eu <http://Journalismfund.eu>, All rights reserved.*
You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website or because
you applied for a working grant in the past.

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Rozenweg 4b
Zellik 1731

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*Anders Pedersen Knowledge Development Lead  |  skype: anpehej  |  @anpe
<https://twitter.com/> | 001 202-815-0149 *

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