[OpenSpending] Latest Blog posts on OBEU and call for blog posts

Anna Alberts anna.alberts at okfn.de
Mon Feb 15 14:19:49 UTC 2016

Hey Guys,

On OpenBudgets.eu we have two good reads for your Monday.

Nicolas Kayser Brill from J++ explains about Public Sector accounting:

"In the list of the things you care about, the different types of public
sector accounting standards probably rank right between Kim Kardashian’s
latest haircut and the state of research on the spirituality of
snowboarding. That’s normal, but it’s more interesting than you thought."

Read more:

And the next one is an introduction in a great project from K-Monitor:
Automatized Procurement tool in action.

*Risk of cartell? Fishy reference works required? Winners awarded with
tenders of high estimated value?* For those, who would like to know more
about the risks encoded into the wording of procurement notices, we would
like to introduce the redflags.hu.

Anita Koncsik takes you a tour through the project, read more here:
Would you also like to feature your project or insights on our blog? We are
always looking for great examples of Financial Transparency projects and
new insights in Public Accounting.

Email me:  anna.alberts at okfn.de, or find us on twitter: @OpenBudgets.eu

Cheers, Anna

Apologies for cross-posting

Anna Alberts, Project Manager OpenBudgets.eu
Open Knowledge Foundation Germany
www.okfn.de | info at okfn.de | @okfde
anna.alberts at okfn.de <info at okfn.de> | @Anna_Alberts
Office: +49 30 57703666 0
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