[Os-datawrangling] Question about creating a model on OpenSpending

Victoria Vlad victoriavlad at expert-grup.org
Tue Aug 6 14:07:11 UTC 2013


I just want to ask a quick question: I've cleaned some data on education
and uploaded it on datahub and os. However, when I want to create the model
and add a dimension, it does not show me any columns to select.

link for data:

error on OS:

 We found these columns in the CSV file:

   - <!DOCTYPE html>

I suppose I formated the CSV file wrong?

Thank you,

Victoria Vlad
Economist, Public Sector: Economy, Management and Finance

E-mail: victoriavlad at expert-grup.org
Phone: +373 22 929 994
Web: expert-grup.org
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