[pdb-discuss] Metadata Party: Call for Volunteers 2

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Oct 5 11:24:01 UTC 2006

Back in August Tim was kind enough to head up an effort to run a 
'metadata party' to add information to:


This had a dual purpose:

   a) actually add data to the site
   b) gather feedback on what is good/bad about the site
   c) how hard is going to be to find information

At the last fc-uk irc meeting we agreed we should try and do this again 
with more volunteers (not just Michael and Tim!).

I count 116 items on the the index of artists but some of these already 
have dates (usually performers where date is combined into the name: a 
bug which needs requires work on the BL html parser to fix).

Anyway if we each took ten each this would only need around eleven of us 
(i suggest that people put their initials next to the artist name on the 
artist index page in order to indicate they are dealing with that person).

**So please, please spare 10 minutes of your time to enter some death 
dates! And, if you are going to volunteer, please write back to the list 
so we all know who is participating**



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[pdb-discuss] Call for Volunteers!
Date: 	Tue, 8 Aug 2006 10:00:53 +0100
From: 	Tim Cowlishaw <tim at timcowlishaw.co.uk>
To: 	pdb-discuss at lists.okfn.org

Hi All,

After the great success of launching the database with all the data we
have mined from the British Library cataloguge, it's time we pushed
ahead with the project and began to use the data we have gathered in
order to identify public domain recordings, and provide feedback to
Rufus about how the database should best be structured.

Initially, we need to start adding birth and death dates for all the
artists listed on the wiki. This should be a relatively quick and simple
job, there is a howto available here:


The list of artists is here:


If everyone on this list could spare five minutes to tidy up the data on
a couple of artists and to add any missing information (especially birth
and death dates) before feeding any comments on or suggested
improvements to  the workings of the database and the interface back to
the list, then we would be able to make significant headway with this
project in very little time.

Please bear in mind that for development work to continue on the
database, Rufus and Nathan need feedback from us on the data that is
already collated, so the sooner we have completed this task the sooner
the project can progress to bigger and better things!

If you are willing to spend a couple of minutes of your time on this,
please add your name to the http://www.publicdomainworks.net/Volunteers
page, or reply to this email, and I will share the list of artists out
among everyone who volunteers. Once again, please try and find a few
minutes to help with this, it will be a tiny amount of work in exchange
for a huge amount of progress!

many thanks,


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