[pdb-discuss] mopy (music ontology python interface) available (at least a first draft)

Yves Raimond yves.raimond at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 10:36:22 UTC 2007


A first draft of the music ontology python interface is available there:
It generates the interface directly from the ontology code, so once
the project checked out, you'll have to run $python genpy.py

Some examples are available along with the code

Many thanks to Chris Sutton for making this in a usable state so quickly ;-)

Btw, we are organising a Music Ontology/Linking Open Data meetup in
London next Wednesday (in a beer place, probably, although we haven't
really choose yet) - let me know if you want to come along! (just to
have a rough idea of how many we will be).


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