[pdb-discuss] Re: PD Burn

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Feb 26 12:14:50 UTC 2007

Michael Holloway wrote:
> On your suggestion, let's continue this on-list. I'd be very interested 
> to hear other active participants' views on ORG's potential involvement 
> with PD Burn. In fact, it would be great to have a list of names as to 
> who's doing what...

Just to summarize for others on the list: the Open Rights Group are 
thinking of becoming a partner on the project and had emailed me about 
this (the rest of Michael's email contained our conversation up to that 
point). My feeling is that would be great. What does everyone else think?

Organizations involved:

   * Open Knowledge Foundation
   * Free Culture UK (?)

Individuals (in no order):

   * Nathan Lewis
   * Tim Cowlishaw
   * Tom Chance
   * Rufus Pollock
   * Michael Holloway
   * Plus quite a few other lurkers and contributors on the mailing list

Regarding governance I suggest going with:


And having all individuals explicitly list as project members (and all 
project members are also project coord members -- we're not big enough 
yet for that distinction).

> Becky and I met with Tom Chance on Thursday night, who was receptive to 
> our suggestions, although keen to point out he's not a prime mover on 
> this project.



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