[pdb-discuss] Creative Commons + Open Library + PublicDomainWorks

Jon Phillips jon at creativecommons.org
Thu Sep 27 23:31:21 UTC 2007

Heya, so I wanted to alert you all that the parts that I talked about
with you all in the summer, tentatively called WikiBiblio, are now being
integrated into the Open Library (http://demo.openlibrary.org). Part of
our project and grant is to create a Canadian front-end to this efforts
with CC Canada, and Access Copyright, who is providing 170K records
about Canadian public domain works.

Anyway, I want to encourage you all, anyway I can, to get involved with
Open Library. I'm working directly with Open Library now through CC and
have pulled in Wikimedia Foundation into this effort as well...

This means that the copyright and public domain status we were building
into Wikibiblio as its own standalone service, is being integrated into
Open Library and the Canadian front-end will use the Atom Syndication
and Publishing Protocol to get read and write support to Open Library.
Then, the per-jurisdiction algorithms to determine copyright, public
domain status, and what licenses (CC, etc) are applied to a work, will
be a part of the Open Library...

So, a path I see that could happen, is that the brilliant work you all
are doing on UK/EU pd/copyright calculation, could be integrated into
this work we are doing, and then we can work to get
publicdomainworks.net to be a similar front-end to this Open Library

I think this is a super super wise step for us all to take, as Open
Library has funding, several full time developers, and the Internet
Archive's support and infrastructure to roll this out...

Anyhow, lets talk about this more, and figure out how to work together
on this...I'm super happy the project is heading this way, and
discussing this project with you all in July really helped to sort out
the direction of the project...what do you think? How can I help?

If you guys are into, then it would be great to get the relevant people
(tech, etc) onto the Open Library discuss and development lists to push
on this effort...things are coming together!


Jon Phillips
jon at creativecommons.org
cell: +1.510.499.0894 (80% time)
desk: +1.415.369.8486 (20% time)

Community/Business Developer
Creative Commons

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