[pd-discuss] Additions to the test calculators

Maarten Zeinstra mz at kl.nl
Tue Feb 23 13:35:14 UTC 2010

Hi all,

Using the graphs found on http://wiki.okfn.org/PublicDomainCalculators I've created calculators for the Netherlands, Norway and the UK. These only work with the Graphical User Interface (GUI) due to some encoding problems I've posted earlier.

There are some slight variations between some of the charts I've come across and in translating them to our format I needed to use some different structures to make them work, but I believe they are a good translation.

I also tried Spain, but that graph is not build clear enough for our format.

You can try them out test.kl.nl please provide feedback using this list.


Maarten Zeinstra

Kennisland | Knowledgeland 
T: +31.20.575.6720 | E: mz at kl.nl
www.kennisland.nl | www.knowledgeland.org

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