[pd-discuss] Contact between Wikimedia Foundation and Wellcome Trust regarding image collections?

Michael S. Hart hart at pglaf.org
Mon Jan 17 19:18:09 UTC 2011

On Mon, 17 Jan 2011, Mathias Schindler wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 6:20 PM, Michael S. Hart <hart at pglaf.org> wrote:
> > We used to call things in certain areas like that "Copyleft."
> We use to call "copyleft" a license model that ensures the freedom of
> copyrighted material even for derivative works. It is unrelated to
> public domain material.

You can say all you want that copyright and copyleft are unrelated
to the public domain, but I don't think many will ever believe you.

I left a much more detailed answer separately, one which you should
have much more difficulty with confusing the issues.

These ARE "pretty straightforward questions, for those who care for
clear and concise issues.

I see your question immediately below as designed to do little more
than cloud this simple issue and muddy these clear waters.

I suggest you stop thrashing about and make straight progress to an
easy goal that doesn't need to be defined as excluding copyright in
which non-commercial distribution is allowed.

You still have given no REASON for such exclusionary strategies.

Question referenced above:

> >> To avoid going back and forth, could you please provide an example of
> >> a text that is at Project Gutenberg and in your opinion both in the
> >> public domain *and* copyrighted?
> >
> > You are taking something very simple and trying to making it not so,
> > which has been my point all along.
> I don't accept this as an answer to a pretty straightforward question.
> Mathias

Michael S. Hart
Project Gutenberg,
Inventor of eBooks

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