[pd-discuss] Fwd: Correcting the Database

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Jan 18 16:50:55 UTC 2011

For people's information. What should we do about this kind of thing?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Edward J. Valleau <removed ...>
Date: 7 January 2011 16:40
Subject: Correcting the Database
To: info at okfn...


I would like to find out how to correct an inaccuracy in your
database. (You really need a button on each page just for this

The book The Life of a Lumberman by John Emmett Nelligan had it's
copyrights renewed in 1969, and was republished by the North Star
Press publishing company under the name A White Pine Empire.

Please tell me how to correct this.

Edward Valleau

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