[pd-discuss] Open Metadata Handbook

Primavera De Filippi primavera.defilippi at okfn.org
Mon Feb 6 10:51:25 UTC 2012

Dear all,
the drafting of the Open Metadata Handbook has gone a long way
all sections have been preliminary drafted, section 1 (introduction) is
pretty much complete, section 2 (open metadata) as well, but feel free to
add or change anything to it if you want, section 3 (technical overview) is
work in progress, we would love to hear your feedback on it, and section 4
is still under an early stage of development, this is where your
contributions are the most needed at the moment !

The Open Metadata Handbook is available at the following address:


As usual, we encourage you to take a look at it and provide feedback about

Don't hesitate to directly edit the wiki if you think anything should be
added or changed.

For any suggestion or inquires, just drop a line to the list !


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