[pd-discuss] List of legally distributable movies

Petter Reinholdtsen pere-okfn at hungry.com
Mon Aug 19 14:20:46 UTC 2019

Samuel Klein <meta.sj at gmail.com> writes:

> Fyi there was a lovely session at Wikimania this past weekend about PD
> awareness and visibility. It was recorded and is on YouTube.  Comments on
> its session talk page are also welcome.

Nice to hear others working on this too.  Btw, is it just me that find
it sad that such nice content is made available on the Google
surveillance platform?

A while back I came up with an idea how to locate all public domain
movies in USA and wrote
<URL: http://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/Idea_for_finding_all_public_domain_movies_in_the_USA.html >
describing how.  But I have not had time to implement it.  Anyone else
interested in making this happen?

I noticed recently the New York Public Library had implemented the idea
for books, and discovered that millions of  books  were really in the
public domain.  I asked if they could process movie registrations like
they did books in 
<URL: https://github.com/NYPL/catalog_of_copyright_entries_project/issues/44 >
but have not seen any replies yet. :)

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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