[Product] Open database of Products

Nicolas Pieuchot nls.pct at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 17:04:10 UTC 2014

Hello Sachin,

These are APIs, they return JSON formatted content so it can easily be
parsed by scripts.

If you want to get a nice visual HTML response, you can use the GTIN-13
search box available on Product-Open-Data website :


On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 5:52 PM, Sach Kangovi <sachk2003 at gmail.com> wrote:

>    Good morning Philippe;
>                                     Thank you for your email with
> additional details. I appreciate that. I was trying to exercise one of the
> APIs that you recommended, namely;
> http://www.product-open-data.com/product/<GTIN_HERE>
> and I got a response as shown below for a GTIN# 0011225421501;
> {"gtin":{"code":"0011225421501","name":"Quick
> Oats","product-line":null,"weight":"1 x 1.19 kg \/ 1 x 42
> oz","volume":null,"alcool":null,"img":"http:\/\/
> product.okfn.org.s3.amazonaws.com\/images\/gtin\/gtin-001\/0011225421501.jpg"},"brand":{"code":"AWY6T1","name":"Valu
> time","type":"Manufacturer-brand","link":"http:\/\/www.gianteagle.com
> ","img":"http:\/\/product.okfn.org.s3.amazonaws.com
> \/images\/brand\/AWY6T1.jpg"},"group":{"code":null,"name":null},"gcp":{"code":"0011225"},"gpc":{"img":"http:\/\/
> www.product-open-data.com\/images\/gpc\/50000000.jpg","segment":{"code":"50000000","name":"Food\/Beverage\/Tobacco"},"family":{"code":null,"name":null},"class":{"code":null,"name":null},"brick":{"code":null,"name":null}},"gepir":{"return-code":{"code":"0","name":"No
> error"},"source":"GEPIR","gln":{"code":"0011225000003","name":"Kingston
> Marketing Co","address-1":"7711 Gross Point
> Road","address-2":"","address-3":"IL","cp":"60076","city":"Skokie","country":"US"}},"code":0}
> I was wondering it will be more helpful if the response was in HTML format
> so that it is easy to read on browser and click the links.
> I am looking forward to getting your comments.
> Regards;
> Sach
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Philippe Plagnol [mailto:philippe.plagnol at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 08, 2014 8:19 AM
> *To:* Nicolas Pieuchot
> *Cc:* Sach Kangovi; OKFN Mailing List
> *Subject:* Re: [Product] Open database of Products
> Hello :)
> I wanted just to add some details about it:
> GCP (6 to 10 firsts digits of the GTIN code) is used to know who is the
> owner of the product ( = who registered it)
> ex: GTIN codes starting with 316893 belongs to PEPSICO FRANCE
> But Pepsico has a lot of brands,... So we need to assign manually for each
> GCP the list of possible BSIN (3168930005292 has the BSIN YSJ1RD Benenuts<http://www.product-open-data.com/product-brand-list-YSJ1RD.html>
>  )
> The matching table GCP <-> BSIN  will be used in the future product
> manager for data quality checks or to propose a list of brands using the
> first digits of the GTIN code
> 2014/1/7 Nicolas Pieuchot <nls.pct at gmail.com>
> Hello Sach,
> Thank you for your interest into product open data.
> From the database you have downloaded, once imported, you should find a
> table named "GTIN", in this table, you can find a "GTIN_NM" which
> corresponds to the product name.
> If you look for the products pictures, you can either :
> - Download the pictures archive *(recommended)* :
> http://www.product-open-data.com/docs/pod_pictures_gtin_2013.08.29_01.zip
> - Access the gtin_img by querying the OpenDataSoft POD API :
> http://pod.opendatasoft.com/explore/dataset/pod_gtin/?tab=api
> - Access the gtin_img by querying the POD API :
> http://www.product-open-data.com/product/<GTIN_HERE>
> About the link between brand, brand_owner and gs1_gcp, it isn't done yet.
> For the time being, you can solely find the "BSIN" field (Brand Standard
> Identification Number) in the "GTIN" table which will allow you to link a
> GTIN to a brand.
> Please, feel free to tell us if you're interested to contribute to product
> open data in order to accelerate the process of having the link between a
> GCP and a BSIN.
> Sincerely,
> Nicolas
> On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 10:50 PM, Sach Kangovi <sachk2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
>   Hi okfn discussion group Members;
>                                                        I am looking for an
> open database of products that links GTIN with Product name and url that
> can show product image and description. I was reading blog by Katelyn
> Rogers <http://okfn.org/members/katelynrogers/>  dated October 14, 2013
> on www.product-open-data.com. She has mentioned that  “Philippe Plagnol,
> working independently on the database since November 2012, has begun
> building a product database <http://www.product-open-data.com/navigate/> that
> currently contains over one million product GTIN numbers of which 400,000
> are already matched to their brand, GCP and GPC, over 600,000 images and
> 4,000 brands, all open for anyone to use, reuse and redistribute”.
>                                                                     I
> downloaded the pod_web_2014.01.01_01 SQL file and it has tables for brand,
> brand_group, brand_owner, brand_owner_bsin, brand_type and gs1_gc. This
> database links the brand to brand owners and brand type but I could not
> find the link between brand and gs1_gc.
>                                                                    Could
> you please let me know where I can get the database that matches Product
> name and descriptions to GTIN that Katelyn is talking about.
> Thank You.
> Sincerely;
> *Sach Kangovi*
> email: sachk2003 at gmail.com
> *Sach Kangovi*
> email: sachk2003 at gmail.com
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