[School-of-data] Announcing the Kick-Off sprint!

Makoto Inoue inouemak at googlemail.com
Tue May 22 07:54:16 UTC 2012

Hi, Federica.

Return On Invest about Olympic is an interesting topic.
Not sure how feasible your idea is until I have looked into the datase. Are
you opening up the data you are gathering?

Another idea is that it would be interesting to mash up with tfl transport
data to see how spending changed the flow of people in London area. I am
assuming that most of the spending was used for buildings and
transportations, so they should attract more people to visit the area. I
haven't looked at their data set, so not sure if this is feasible.


On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Federica Cocco <fedcocco at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Makoto and Rufus, and everyone else!
> Nice to meet you! Very keen to take part in the School of Data.
> I have also been working on Olympic spending and would love to pick your
> brains on some ideas I've had. I was thinking it'd be great to map the
> spending, and find out how much was invested in each borough in
> rejuvenation initiatives for the olympics. That way one could assess
> (however approximately) how much London boroughs gained from the Olympics.
> Does that sound feasible to you?
> Keen to hear your thoughts.
> Best,
> Federica
> On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Makoto Inoue <inouemak at googlemail.com>wrote:
>> One thought about the olympics spending.
>> It would be fun if someone can create a foursquare game where the
>> Olympics venue information is tied into the spending info and winner is
>> decided by the total amount of venue costs.
>> Makoto
>> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 9:27 PM, Makoto Inoue <inouemak at googlemail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi, Rufus.
>>> Thank you for the info. I added my dataset to the datahub.io . Hope it
>>> gets more findable...
>>> Makoto
>>> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>wrote:
>>>> On 18 May 2012 09:59, Makoto Inoue <inouemak at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> > Hello, everyone.
>>>> Welcome!
>>>> > My name is Makoto. I am a web developer (ruby on rails, javascript)
>>>> with
>>>> > past experience as a dba (database administrator) based in London. I
>>>> am
>>>> > comfortable with scraping, coding, and data mining with sql, but
>>>> trying to
>>>> > brash up my math and statistics skills. I may not be able to attend
>>>> on the
>>>> > IRC session for the whole day, but happy to contributing to coding
>>>> and data
>>>> > mining related topics.
>>>> >
>>>> > FYI, I am currently organising an olympic themed hackathon called
>>>> > (http://mmxiihack.org/). One thing I struggle the most is to get
>>>> enough
>>>> Sounds good.
>>>> > interesting api/dataset for people to mashup due to very proprietary
>>>> nature
>>>> > of the event.
>>>> >
>>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmVThz2NA0WRdHdRLUtDSnNGZlg1bDllNFJabUx4VHc#gid=0
>>>> I'd suggest creating a group on the DataHub for this e.g.
>>>> http://datahub.io/group/olympics-2012
>>>> > Please let me know  If you know any "open" Olympic related data.
>>>> I started pulling together some spending data re the olympics a while
>>>> back and just did an initial post of info here:
>>>> <http://datahub.io/dataset/olympics-delivery-authority-spending>
>>>> I hope to get the consolidated data up on the DataHub in the next week
>>>> or so ...
>>>> > I am learning the importance of open data with pain ;-(
>>>> :-)
>>>> Rufus
>>>> > Thanks.
>>>> >
>>>> > Makoto
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 9:40 AM, João Pedro Cruz <
>>>> cruz.joaopedro at gmail.com>
>>>> > wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Hi guys,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> @Laura, as Rosamaria mentioned, we are already involved in the
>>>> EconWG.
>>>> >> This is the group that I am more actively engaged but I'm also
>>>> subscribing
>>>> >> the mailing lists of Open Legislation, OKFN-Brasil and a few others.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Regarding the time of the meetings, I will be following the result
>>>> of the
>>>> >> preparation meetings and try to follow up on that.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> @Rosamaria, good promotion on Yourtopia!!!
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Greetings,
>>>> >> Joao
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> 2012/5/17 Jane Park <janepark at creativecommons.org>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Hi everyone,
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> I'm Jane at Creative Commons -- with the obvious interest in helping
>>>> >>> to design challenges and educational materials around sharing data
>>>> and
>>>> >>> open data - so open tools/licenses used for these purposes,
>>>> including
>>>> >>> platforms where you can employ these tools, best practices, case
>>>> >>> studies, etc.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Best,
>>>> >>> Jane
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Rosamaria Bitetti
>>>> >>> <rosamaria.bitetti at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> >>> > Hello Laura - and everybody else!
>>>> >>> > Like Joao, I have a background in law and economics, my expertise
>>>> is
>>>> >>> > policy
>>>> >>> > analysis, especially in ICT sectors. We are both involved in the
>>>> open
>>>> >>> > economics working group.
>>>> >>> > [small advertisement: check out our latest project!
>>>> >>> > italia.yourtopia.net]
>>>> >>> > I'm here mostly to learn, but if you see any use for my (quite
>>>> limited)
>>>> >>> > knowledge, let me know!
>>>> >>> > Rosamaria
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> > On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Laura Newman <
>>>> laura.newman at okfn.org>
>>>> >>> > wrote:
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >> Hi Joao,
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >> Thank you for getting in touch - and thanks for getting the ball
>>>> >>> >> rolling
>>>> >>> >> on the School of Data mailing list :)
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >> It sounds like you have a very interesting background, and we
>>>> would
>>>> >>> >> love
>>>> >>> >> to have your involvement in the School of Data in future. Your
>>>> point
>>>> >>> >> about
>>>> >>> >> time is well taken, and we will certainly consider including
>>>> e.g. a
>>>> >>> >> Saturday
>>>> >>> >> in any workshops and sprints we plan for the future.
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >> I wonder if you would also be interested in our working group on
>>>> open
>>>> >>> >> economics (http://openeconomics.net/)? Shout off-list if so and
>>>> I will
>>>> >>> >> make
>>>> >>> >> some introductions!
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >> Thanks again for your positive words and we hope to hear from you
>>>> >>> >> again in
>>>> >>> >> future!
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >> Cheers,
>>>> >>> >> Laura
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >> On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 2:22 PM, João Pedro Cruz
>>>> >>> >> <cruz.joaopedro at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> >>> >>>
>>>> >>> >>> Dear Laura,
>>>> >>> >>>
>>>> >>> >>> I am very interested and excited about the School of Data and I
>>>> would
>>>> >>> >>> like to take part from it. My background is Intellectual
>>>> Property and
>>>> >>> >>> Competition law and economics. I have some theoretical
>>>> background on
>>>> >>> >>> collaborative economics and community development.
>>>> >>> >>>
>>>> >>> >>> I would love to participate in your events but due to my work I
>>>> won't
>>>> >>> >>> be
>>>> >>> >>> able do to so... I hope that in the future you could schedule
>>>> some of
>>>> >>> >>> the
>>>> >>> >>> meetings to the weekend so that I could take part on it.
>>>> >>> >>>
>>>> >>> >>> Anyways, it is great to hear that the School of Data is about to
>>>> >>> >>> kick-off. I am very excited about this project.
>>>> >>> >>>
>>>> >>> >>> Greetings,
>>>> >>> >>>
>>>> >>> >>> João Pedro Cruz
>>>> >>> >>>
>>>> >>> >>> 2012/5/17 Laura Newman <laura.newman at okfn.org>
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> Hi all,
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> Many thanks for waiting so patiently for news about the School
>>>> of
>>>> >>> >>>> Data.
>>>> >>> >>>> Things were quiet initially whilst we waited for funding
>>>> >>> >>>> confirmation, but I
>>>> >>> >>>> am now delighted to announce that the School of Data will be
>>>> >>> >>>> co-supported by
>>>> >>> >>>> both Open Society Foundations and the Shuttleworth Foundation.
>>>> Many
>>>> >>> >>>> thanks
>>>> >>> >>>> to OSF and Shuttleworth for making this possible!
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> Particular thanks also to those of you have volunteered to
>>>> build
>>>> >>> >>>> learning challenges, to mentor courses, to offer interesting
>>>> >>> >>>> datasets and
>>>> >>> >>>> resources, or who have shown an interest in joining the
>>>> >>> >>>> collaboration. This
>>>> >>> >>>> is your chance to get involved!
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> Please do drop an email to this list to share your interests
>>>> and
>>>> >>> >>>> ideas.
>>>> >>> >>>> We would be particularly delighted to welcome you to our
>>>> virtual
>>>> >>> >>>> sprint next
>>>> >>> >>>> week!
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> ## School of Data kick-off sprint
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> Next week, we will be holding a School of Data kick-off
>>>> sprint. This
>>>> >>> >>>> will be a hands on workshop to share ideas, source materials,
>>>> and
>>>> >>> >>>> start
>>>> >>> >>>> building content for the school.
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> On the afternoon of Thursday 24th May, we will be holding a
>>>> >>> >>>> designated
>>>> >>> >>>> online sprint. This will take place on IRC (#schoolofdata on
>>>> >>> >>>> freenode) from
>>>> >>> >>>> 12-4pm UTC. All are welcome!
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> Sign-up on the etherpad:
>>>> >>> >>>> http://schoolofdata.okfnpad.org/kick-off-sign-up
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> On the day, we particularly welcome:
>>>> >>> >>>> * Suggestions for content and courses
>>>> >>> >>>> * Recommendations (or donations!) of high quality, openly
>>>> licensed
>>>> >>> >>>> materials and resources, including interesting datasets to
>>>> work with
>>>> >>> >>>> * Offers to build a specific learning challenge or track
>>>> >>> >>>> * 'Testers' willing to try out and improve the content
>>>> available so
>>>> >>> >>>> far
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> If you can't join us at the designated time, please do feel to
>>>> drop
>>>> >>> >>>> into
>>>> >>> >>>> the IRC room at other times - we will try to ensure someone is
>>>> in
>>>> >>> >>>> there
>>>> >>> >>>> whenever possible. Additionally, please do feel free to use
>>>> this
>>>> >>> >>>> list
>>>> >>> >>>> (school-of-data at lists.okfn.org) to begin sharing ideas and
>>>> >>> >>>> resources.
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> ## Social Evening
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> If you happen to be near Berlin, come along for our social
>>>> evening!
>>>> >>> >>>> Following the virtual sprint, we will be meeting in Oberholz
>>>> at 7pm
>>>> >>> >>>> on
>>>> >>> >>>> Thursday 24th May for a relaxed and informal gathering.
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> Sign-up here: http://lanyrd.com/2012/opendata/
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> We are really excited to see plans for the School of Data
>>>> moving
>>>> >>> >>>> forward. With your help, we're sure that this will be a great
>>>> >>> >>>> success. It's
>>>> >>> >>>> been really encouraging to read all the messages of support
>>>> that
>>>> >>> >>>> were
>>>> >>> >>>> submitted via our original form, and we hope that we can now
>>>> begin
>>>> >>> >>>> putting
>>>> >>> >>>> some of those excellent ideas into practice!
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> If you have any questions, do feel free to contact me directly
>>>> or
>>>> >>> >>>> via
>>>> >>> >>>> schoolofdata at okfn.org at any time.
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> Many thanks,
>>>> >>> >>>> Laura
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> --
>>>> >>> >>>> Laura Newman
>>>> >>> >>>> Community Coordinator
>>>> >>> >>>> Open Knowledge Foundation
>>>> >>> >>>> http://okfn.org/
>>>> >>> >>>> Skype: lauranewmanonskype
>>>> >>> >>>> Twitter: @Newmanlk
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> >>> >>>> School-of-data mailing list
>>>> >>> >>>> School-of-data at lists.okfn.org
>>>> >>> >>>> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/school-of-data
>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>> >>> >>>
>>>> >>> >>>
>>>> >>> >>>
>>>> >>> >>> --
>>>> >>> >>> João Pedro Cruz
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >> --
>>>> >>> >> Laura Newman
>>>> >>> >> Community Coordinator
>>>> >>> >> Open Knowledge Foundation
>>>> >>> >> http://okfn.org/
>>>> >>> >> Skype: lauranewmanonskype
>>>> >>> >> Twitter: @Newmanlk
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >> _______________________________________________
>>>> >>> >> School-of-data mailing list
>>>> >>> >> School-of-data at lists.okfn.org
>>>> >>> >> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/school-of-data
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> > --
>>>> >>> > Rosamaria Bitetti
>>>> >>> > my LinkedIn profile
>>>> >>> > cell: +39 320 6275664
>>>> >>> > skype: rosamaria.bitetti
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> > _______________________________________________
>>>> >>> > School-of-data mailing list
>>>> >>> > School-of-data at lists.okfn.org
>>>> >>> > http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/school-of-data
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> --
>>>> >>> Jane Park
>>>> >>> http://creativecommons.org/about/people/#janepark
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/creativecommons
>>>> >>> Subscribe to our monthly newsletter:
>>>> >>> http://creativecommons.org/newsletter
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> _______________________________________________
>>>> >>> School-of-data mailing list
>>>> >>> School-of-data at lists.okfn.org
>>>> >>> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/school-of-data
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> João Pedro Cruz
>>>> >>
>>>> >> _______________________________________________
>>>> >> School-of-data mailing list
>>>> >> School-of-data at lists.okfn.org
>>>> >> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/school-of-data
>>>> >>
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > _______________________________________________
>>>> > School-of-data mailing list
>>>> > School-of-data at lists.okfn.org
>>>> > http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/school-of-data
>>>> >
>>>> --
>>>> Co-Founder, Open Knowledge Foundation
>>>> Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
>>>> http://www.okfn.org/ - http://blog.okfn.org/
>> _______________________________________________
>> School-of-data mailing list
>> School-of-data at lists.okfn.org
>> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/school-of-data
> --
> Federica Cocco
> *Journalist*
> Twitter: @federicacocco
> London mobile: 00447765833582
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