[School-of-data] Alternatives to OpenRefine

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Jul 9 11:30:12 UTC 2013

I'd mention Data Explorer: <http://explorer.okfnlabs.org/>

This is a browser-based tool that let's you import data from various
sources (file, online etc) and then write simple javascript to clean
data in the browser and share the results by just sharing the URL. All
code and data is stored into gists (gist.github.com) so its versioned
*and* editable offline (if you don't want to use the browser!).

I note the tool is still under development (I'm one of the
developers!) but it is still very usable. For examples see:

- <http://okfnlabs.org/blog/2013/06/28/basic-cleaning-with-data-explorer.html>
- <http://explorer.okfnlabs.org/#rgrp/e3e0b0f18dfe151f9f7e/view/grid>


On 8 July 2013 21:28, Kyle Andrei <kyle at idealware.org> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm working on a description of ETL and Middleware for nonprofit data
> management, and I was wondering if there are any alternatives to OpenRefine.
> A quick Google search didn't really turn anything up. Any suggestions?
> --
> Kyle Andrei | Research Analyst | Idealware
> kyle at idealware.org | www.idealware.org
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Rufus Pollock

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