[School-of-data] [p2pu-community] Re: P2PU Launches a New Version of Badges--Please Read & Share

Vanessa Gennarelli vanessa at p2pu.org
Fri Mar 22 15:10:32 UTC 2013

Hey Leah, thanks for making my morning--again. You have a knack for it.

OK, these should probably go in the FAQs section--they are *very good*
questions. To wit:

A: That is part of our "phase 2"--but it's a pretty light integration
(Badge embeds as iframe, directs users to the particular URL on

After you create a Badge, you can direct folks to it from your P2PU course
via hyperlink.
Folks can use their P2PU accounts to apply for your Badge.
You should have all the functionality you need :)

A: Since you can publish your Badge *immediately* and folks can apply for
it, we didn't want folks applying for Badge A when the criteria were X, and
then different folks applying for Badge A when the criteria were Y. As
such, we made the following design decisions:

   - To create an *extensive* warning copy page and the functionality
   ability to save and come back later (the draft Badge will be in your
   - Make Badge creation super-easy so if you want to make a different,
   better Badge that more accurately reflects the learning project, you can.

Make sense?

We're still working out the flow for archiving Badges. My gut instinct is
to leave them all up, but I'd love the Community's input on that.

Thanks Leah--lmk if you have further questions. VMG

On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Leah MacVie <leah at leahmacvie.com> wrote:

> Oh this was the best P2PU update I have received possibly ever. I can't
> comment enough on the beautiful new interface of P2PU-fantastic font, love
> the simplicity and larger graphics... OK off topic.
> LOVE LOVE LOVE!! I just uploaded the badge for Badges 102 and now the only
> thing I am stuck on is how to actually connect it to the course. Perhaps
> there is something I am missing or it is still beta. I am also not sure how
> to edit the data/badge once it is created. Thanks!
> <https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-V08s3BBitmY/UUxpqBf3csI/AAAAAAAAEI0/qP31tUitJBk/s1600/badgesbadge102x156.png>
> <https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ezUtJxcCrXs/UUxpn_M-YPI/AAAAAAAAEIs/hLdNWo5z0_k/s1600/2013-03-22_1021.png>
> On Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:54:09 PM UTC-4, Vanessa Gennarelli wrote:
>> Hey y'all--here is a detailed primer of how Badges now work on
>> http://badges.p2pu.org/en/.  Please share this post: http://ow.ly/jilCz
>>  Get Feedback on a Project You Love: P2PU Launches a New Version of Badges
>> As Grantees of the Digital Media and Learning Competition<http://dmlcompetition.net/Competition/4/winners.php>,
>> Peer 2 Peer University has created a platform for anyone who wants to make
>> and issue Badges. We launched *badges.p2pu.org<http://badges.p2pu.org/en/>
>> * at the DML Conference in Chicago last week to an amazing response.
>> Folks were very receptive to our project-based and feedback-driven
>> approach. Here's a bit of a walkthrough on what that means, and how you can
>> use it.
>> *How it Works.*
>> Everyone is an Expert in something. Maybe you know how to make the
>> perfect costume for your pet<http://www.flickr.com/photos/isaachsieh/2948306815/>.
>> Or you bring objects to life via 3D-drafting and printing<http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:64004>.
>> The point is that we're a curious crew that's down to learn how to make the
>> next thing--whether it be digital, analog or abstract. Sound about right?
>> At P2PU, Badges are a way to recognize and support your expertise as you
>> evolve. If you see a Badge on badges.p2pu.org<http://badges.p2pu.org/en/> that's
>> in line with a Project you're working on, you can submit it for feedback
>> from an Expert.
>> [image: Badge1]<http://info.p2pu.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Badge11.png>
>> When you submit your Project, we'll ask you to step out what you did, and
>> reflect a bit on what you'd do differently. This might seem obvious to you
>> as the creator of your masterpiece, but it'll help you get more targeted
>> feedback (we promise).
>> [image: Badge2]<http://info.p2pu.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Badge2.png>
>> We'll notify an Expert that your Project is ready. An Expert is someone
>> who either a.) made the darn Badge in the first place, or b.) submitted a
>> Project which demonstrated their wizardry. They'll come to your Project in
>> short order, and deliver some robust suggestions for your individual needs.
>> You'll see that the feedback comes as *Kudos, Questions* and *Concerns*:
>> [image: Badge3]<http://info.p2pu.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Badge3.png>
>> From here you'll either be awarded the Badge, or prompted to take a look
>> at the feedback and improve your project. You can resubmit your Project as
>> many times as you like--the feedback will travel with the Project, and
>> we'll try to get the same Expert to continue to help you out.
>> If and when you do acquire the Badge, it will appear on your
>> badges.p2pu.org <http://info.p2pu.org/wp-admin/badges.p2pu.org> profile
>> page, and you'll be an Expert yourself. Celebration<http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/3800000/Animated-GIFs-flight-of-the-conchords-3809583-412-333.gif?1339094385414>
>> !
>> *Creating a Badge.*
>> If feedback is a conversation, then creating a Badge sparks a whole
>> community around something you love. If you are a P2PU course facilitator,
>> an organizer of a conference, or if a certain subject matter floats your
>> boat, consider making a Badge for it:
>> [image: Badge4]<http://info.p2pu.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Badge4.png>
>> From there, you'll have a chance to preview and publish your Badge. If
>> you just want to save it and come back later, the Badge will appear in your
>> profile under "Badges in the Garden Shed."
>> *FAQs.*
>> *How long will my Badge take to be published and ready for action?  *
>> Immediately. You'll get to preview it before you publish, and then you'll
>> get a confirmation that the Badge is live.
>> *I'm not in a P2PU course, but I have an event or a project I'd like to
>> create a Badge for. Can I? *
>> Yeah buddy--go for it. You can create a Badge for any kind of Project or
>> event. Just direct folks towards your Badge's particular URL so they can
>> apply for it.
>> *I'm an Expert and possess the Badge. How will I know when Projects are
>> submitted? *
>> We'll notify you with a snappy message in your Inbox.
>> *Do your Badges integrate with the Open Badges Infrastructure? *
>> They will by May 1, 2013. Stay tuned for updates.
>> *What's Coming Down the Pike.*
>> Here's a little window into the features we are furiously working on here
>> at P2PU. These items are on deck for our next sprint:
>>    - Integration of Badges into P2PU.org courses
>>    - Spiffy landing page gallery sort/search/filter
>>    - Ability to evaluate the usefulness of feedback
>>    - Badge creation gallery of shapes and colors
>>    - Open Badges Infrastructure **Integration
>> *Find Out More.*
>> In all seriousness, the skills we need evolve fast and furiously. At
>> P2PU, we believe learning is guided by passion, projects and people. We've
>> created a space to connect those arenas and help learners grow. So, Badges
>> represent learning online that you can feel good about. If you're curious
>> about Badges or P2PU and would like to find out more, here's some info:
>>    - Check out the Pedagogy Behind Badges<http://info.p2pu.org/2013/01/25/its-the-feedback-silly-p2pus-plan-for-badges/>
>>    .
>>    - Follow our progress on our team Trello Board<https://trello.com/board/badges/512397c1036058ed1a0034b6>
>>    .
>>    - Join the P2PU Community<http://groups.google.com/group/p2pu-community> to
>>    find out what crafty experiments we're up to.
>>    - Contact Vanessa, your humble Mad Learning Scientist.
>> --
>> Vanessa Gennarelli
>> Learning Lead, Peer 2 Peer University
>> van... at p2pu.org
>> @mozzadrella <https://twitter.com/#!/mozzadrella>
>  --
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Vanessa Gennarelli
Learning Lead, Peer 2 Peer University
vanessa at p2pu.org
@mozzadrella <https://twitter.com/#!/mozzadrella>
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