[School-of-data] Yesterdays Community Hangout: School of Data Summer School / Fellowships

Michael Bauer michael.bauer at okfn.org
Thu Apr 24 11:10:24 UTC 2014

Hi there,

We had our third Community hangout yesterday - With a wide range of
participants. Here's the summary

tl;dr - School of Data Summer Camp will happen in/near Berlin from 19-21.
Also A new rounds of refined School of Data fellowships will be launched
next week.

Yesterdays Community call was busy and exciting. Milena introduced us to
the plans for School of Data Summer Camp in or near Berlin just after
OKFestival. We'll have some budget to bring in people who are active with
local initiatives and fellows (formerly known as community mentors). This
will be mostly a tightly knit community meeting to improve the way we work
and train each other on what we're strong in. We don't have a fixed agenda
yet but some ideas were floated around for potential sessions. 

Along this lines Ignasi and I will start working on mapping skills around
the School of Data to get a better overview of where strengths are and what
people are able to do (and help you to find a person to talk to).

Next big news: We've started to engage more people around the school of
data with what was formerly called the "Community Mentors". We realized we
need to re-think this concept and get more resources to successfully
network and engage future leaders in teaching and learning about data -
School of Data Fellowships were born. 

We'll launch the application early next week and hope you all take a look
at it and help us grow the project. Due to funding restrictions there is a
list of countries we're looking for fellows in - but more details in the
notes and in the announce blog-post coming up.

Notes from yesterdays Community Call:


See you next time ^_^
Data Diva | skype: mihi_tr | @mihi_tr
Open Knowledge | School of Data
http://okfn.org | http://schoolofdata.org 
GPG/PGP key: http://tentacleriot.eu/mihi.asc

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