[School-of-data] Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) seeks Interim Executive Director

Heather Leson heatherleson at gmail.com
Tue Mar 17 18:54:42 UTC 2015

Friends, we need your help. Do you know someone who loves maps, is a leader
and keen to support OpenSource?

HOT is looking for an Interim Executive Director. Are you this person? Do
you know someone? Please share widely or apply.

Shareable: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team  (@hotosm) seeks Interim
Executive Director. Apply: http://bit.ly/HOTInterimED


Yes, it is 10pm in Doha and I am working on volunteer community stuff. Go
life!  Miss SCODA friends. Come visit : )


Heather Leson
heatherleson at gmail.com
Twitter: HeatherLeson
Blog: textontechs.com
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