[science-at] [open-science] project name openscienceASAP

Iryna Kuchma iryna.kuchma at eifl.net
Wed Jul 31 08:02:48 UTC 2013

Dear Stefan,

I don't know how important this is for you, but ASAP is also the name of
the Accelerating Science Award Program (ASAP), which recognizes the use of
scientific research, published through Open Access, that has led to
innovations in any field that benefit society (sponsored by 27
organizations, including major sponsors Public Library of Science (PLOS),
Wellcome Trust and Google): http://asap.plos.org/. I am worried that it
might create some confusions between your project and this award.

Best wishes,

Iryna Kuchma
EIFL Open Access Programme Manager
iryna.kuchma at eifl.net
skype: iryna.kuchma
twitter: @irynakuchma

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On 31 July 2013 02:11, Stefan Kasberger <stefan.kasberger at gmx.at> wrote:

> hello,
> the open science projekt (http://openscience.alpine-geckos.at) is
> thinking now for quite a while about a proper name. after long
> discussion, we now have found a favorite and wanted to ask the community
> about your opinion.
> it is openscienceASAP and it means Open Science as a Practice, but also
> has the double meaning with as soon of possible of course, which should
> lead to some attention. the goal of the project is, to give a platform
> to do everything around open science, especially write about it and be
> the hub in between all the other services for an open scientific
> workflow. This means also projects around open science, like software
> dev or sharing knowledge and experiences from courses.
> so, would be very happy about some feedback, also about the idea behind
> it and if you know any interesting sources for this. Basically, it's the
> development of a wordpress theme for a multiuser installation with use
> of many different APIs and plugins.
> cheers, stefan
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