[science-at] WG: Open Data Webinar – "Winning Grant Proposals with #OpenScience" - Monday, 7th March 2016 - 1:00 PM CET
Vignoli Michela
Michela.Vignoli at ait.ac.at
Thu Feb 25 14:44:35 UTC 2016
Zur Info - Liebe Grüße!
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From: "Open Access Academy" <open.access.academy at gmail.com>
To: "Marina Winkler" <winklerm at cbs.mpg.de>
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 12:22:44 AM
Subject: Open Data Webinar – "Winning Grant Proposals with #OpenScience" - Monday, 7th March 2016 - 1:00 PM CET
Open Access Academy
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** Open Data Webinar
"Winning Grant Proposals with #OpenScience"
Monday, 7th March 2016
13:00 - 14:00 CET
Open Access Academy, Eurodoc (http://oaacademy.us9.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=46776a631dd2c517235c6dfbb&id=407e811819&e=a2c165a18f) and Foster project (http://oaacademy.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=46776a631dd2c517235c6dfbb&id=7fb278dcef&e=a2c165a18f) are organizing a Webinar about Open Data with name: Open Data “Winning Grant Proposals with #OpenScience”.
If you are curious about Open Data and want to know the best opportunities for your research and future career, join us in this webinar. You can also start posting doubts or questions on social media, using the following hashtag: #OpenSci4Doc
Registration (http://oaacademy.us9.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=46776a631dd2c517235c6dfbb&id=a911bc8fb3&e=a2c165a18f) with valid email required to obtain webinar information. The webinar is free of charge and without restrictions.
Webinar Program
Learning Objectives:The training session will be based on FOSTER`s "Winning Horizon 2020 with Open Science" and training content is structured around FOSTER Open Science Learning Objectives for funders link>> (http://oaacademy.us9.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=46776a631dd2c517235c6dfbb&id=3218125d58&e=a2c165a18f)
Webinar will cover:
- Introduction to the EC Open Science agenda;
- Overview of Horizon 2020 Mandate on Open Access & Open Data Pilot;
- Evidence of how & why Open Science makes a positive impact at proposal review.
Open Data “Winning Grant Proposals with #OpenScience”
Webinar Date: Monday, 7th March 2016
Webinar Time: 13:00-14:00 CET
Webinar Duration: 45-60 min
Webinar Registration: link>> (http://oaacademy.us9.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=46776a631dd2c517235c6dfbb&id=31079602ae&e=a2c165a18f)
FOSTER Portal Announcement: http://oaacademy.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=46776a631dd2c517235c6dfbb&id=fa3dffcb2b&e=a2c165a18f
Contact information
info at oaacademy.org (mailto:info at oaacademy.org)
Check Open Data Webinar webpage:
for more information about the webinar program and speakers.
FOSTER project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 612425
** About Open Access Academy
The Open Access Academy Portal have the mission to provide Resources, Support and Advice for students and young researchers in their journey from writing to publishing their scientific papers.
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