[OK-AT Open Science] Mailinglist Server will be closed

Stefan Kasberger stefan.kasberger at okfn.at
Mon Dec 30 12:16:48 UTC 2019


I got informed by Open Knowledge International (the central
organisation), that they will close down the mailinglist service for all
mailing lists at January 31st 2020. This means, all communication on
this list(s) will not be possible anymore from that day on. I am really
sorry for that, but there is also a good part: Open Knowledge wants to
bring the national and international community together on Discuss - a
more modern approach on groups/malinglists. Join us, and share your
activities, ideas and thoughts in there.

_https://discuss.okfn.org_ <https://discuss.okfn.org/>

Cheerz, Stefan

*Stefan Kasberger*
/Chairman Open Knowledge Austria/
*E* stefan.kasberger at okfn.at
*W* www.okfn.at
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