[the-datatank] The DataTank 5.0 drinks in Ghent this Friday

Pieter Colpaert pieter.colpaert at okfn.org
Mon Dec 1 11:03:59 UTC 2014

Hi all,

We are releasing The DataTank 5.0 on the 5th of December in the most 
beautiful location you could imagine: the belfry of Ghent. We will have 
a short presentation about growing towards a clearer community driven 
strategy, a couple of new features and 2 of our main contributors have 
big news which they will be happy to share on Friday!

Attending is free, but please do register at 
http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/open-ghent-tickets-14662434737. Also the 
full agenda is available over there.

We are combining these drinks with an event we call "Open Ghent", so you 
can expect interesting people during the drink, and a show-off of the 
results of an application for the belfry of Ghent.

Kind regards,



+32 486 74 71 22

Open Knowledge Foundation Belgium

Open Transport Working Group OKFN

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