[Wg-economics-advisory] An amendment to the Principles from Bronwyn Hall

David K. Levine david at dklevine.com
Wed Jul 24 21:06:44 UTC 2013

Sounds reasonable. I concur.

----- On 7/24/2013 01:06 pm velichka.dimitrova at o wrote -----

Dear all,

I would like to forward an amendment from Bronwyn on the Principles to the

"making access to the original data available to others who can ensure
appropriate protections. " (in point 2)

Since the data user of confidential or proprietary data does not control
the data, and cannot make access available, this has been changed to:

"facilitating access if the owner of the original data grants other
researchers permission to use the data"

See below also the email from Bronwyn and should have gone through to the
mailing list.


Velichka Dimitrova

Open Economics Project Coordinator |

The Op


David K. Levine

Professor of Economics and Joint Chair RSCAS
Department of Economics                    http://www.dklevine.com/
European University Institute              phone:  [+39] 055 468 5954
Villa San Paolo                                     office: VSP 45
Via della Piazzuola 43
I-50133 Firenze - Italy

John H. Biggs Distinguished Professor
Department of Economics
Washington University in St. Louis     phone: [+1] 314 935 9529
Campus Box 12081 Brookings Dr.
St. Louis MO 63130-4899  

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