[wsfii-discuss] Boycott Linksys WRT54G and Switch to Netgear WGT634U

Sven Wagner cven at c-base.org
Tue Nov 22 12:21:07 UTC 2005

hi FreddyLa

we now the problem, and for europe, linksys have a new model...
The linksys WRT54 GL with opensource firmware...
I have only some links in german language about the problem, and I 
didn't found anything at linksys.com (US)
but here are the links

linksys says, that they don't wanna sell the version 5.0 in europe, may 
they don't want the "gunfire" from the communities...
but I think we have to look for alternative products too.
so we check out the Netgear WGT634U or other products from the openWRT side.


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