[wsfii-discuss] Fwd: [Fsf-press] Software Freedom Day

Charles "core" Stevenson corezion at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 02:54:14 UTC 2005

MC, All,

On 10/4/05, Mamading Ceesay <mamading at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 05/10/05, Nagarjuna G. <nagarjun at gnowledge.org> wrote:
> > These are good illustrations of how technology could enable people
> > develop a culture.  So we adopted that spirit and gave the call: let
> > us weave our own code.
> Had a discussion about Gandhi in another context.  From that it was
> clear that his methods/approach are still relevant and should be
> studied/practiced today.  I hadn't thought his work didn't have a
> direct bearing on the sort of things I get involved with but now I
> think I should read up on him.

Thanks to you all for discussing this topic on an open forum!  This is
something I have been researching and thinking about for some time now
and it's heart warming to hear that I am not alone.  The only
stipulations are that for most of the world freedom of information is
not considered vital like say food salts or drinking water.   In my
opinion, it seems just as vital for the enjoyment and development of
all peoples.  Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and so many others have
shown us that there is strength in numbers, there is strength in
truth, there is strength in peaceful movements because they bring
balance and order back into the interests of the masses.  I feel
tremendous solidarity with India's FSF for this fortunate and
seemingly transcendental synchronicity.  We are living in very
exciting times and I am filled with great hope and joyous optimism for
the future.

Thanks for sharing this Nagarjuna. (fitting name ;-)

Peace, Metta,

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