[wsfii-discuss] OLSR & HSLS & etc.

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Mon Sep 11 16:05:06 UTC 2006

Hi Hitesh,

> Not actually, the reason why I needed some information was to
> understand the difference between olsr and other proprietary ad-hoc
> algorithms  :-)

You might also be interested in HSLS:


If you have more specific questions feel free to drop an e-mail to:

cu-wireless-dev at cuwireless.net


Sascha Meinrath
Executive Director  *  Principal          *  President
CUWiN              *** The Ethos Group   *** Acorn Active Media
CUWireless.Net      *  EthosWireless.com  *  AcornActiveMedia.com

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