[wsfii-discuss] Workshops at WSFII Africa 2007

marco marco.pompe at web.de
Sat Apr 28 12:02:08 UTC 2007

concerning the workshops ...

... yesterday, i bought my ticket. i will go to Ghana in June 24th to
help with the preperation of the Conference and the Wireless Roadshow.
Especially i want to travel around to invite people to the WSFII. Here
is a (updated) list of people i want to contact (besides the
linux-usergroups, WODIV and Wirelessghana):

- CRC-staff, NGO and MoC representatives
- Co-operative members, lecturers, representatives
- radiostations, DJs and Managers
- University members, senior and junior (ICT, social work, media/journalism)
- press

i allready have contacts to all of these groups. still we dont know who
will be interested, but i am VERY optimistic in that, especially when we
can provide free food and accomodation for the WSFII members .... so
they will only have to pay for their transportation to join us.

if everybody agrees with this, please help to provide the settings we
need to involve them adaquatly in workshops and forums ...

grts, marco, berlin

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