[wsfii-discuss] NEWS from Ghana
Gideon Hayford Chonia
gideon.chonia at id.uzh.ch
Mon Jul 16 10:10:01 UTC 2007
On Sunday 15 July 2007 15:43, Marco Pompe wrote:
> Hi all,
> Concerning WSFII Africa (2008?)
I believe it needs more dedicated
> commitment by more WSFII members throughout the world alongside a certain
> concept for the WSFII Africa. It will definitely not be a one (or two) man
> show as we have seen from the latest development, so we will need some
> more shoulders. Also it will need a clear concept embedded in long term
> strategy for the need of integration. If it is not a single person
> providing a certain level of integration within a network, a clear
> idea/concept will have to do that job. As I believe we almost have that
> kind of idea/concept for WSFII Africa, it just has to putted together (or
> even updated), and I suggest that somebody takes advantage and works out a
> draft using the many sources available. Or else I suggest to do that in the
> SOS preparatory group. What do u think?
> Greatings from Nungua, Ghana, Marco P.
So, Marco, is the event coming on, or what decision has been taken...
Gideon Hayford Chonia Tel. +41 1 635-4543
University Zurich, Fax +41 1 635-4505
Winterthurerstrasse 190 gideon.chonia at id.uzh.ch
CH-8057 Zurich gideon.chonia at gmail.com
Bushmail: ....!Earth!Africa!Ghana!Pokoase!Yaovi
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