[wsfii-discuss] WSFII.Africa.207.Summit Update (03/31/07)
jeff buderer
jeff at onevillagefoundation.org
Sat Mar 31 20:42:36 UTC 2007
Dear All,
Please Note: PrepConf meeting has been postponed to the begining of
early May (starting somewhere between 1-4).
I see a lot of wsfii emails and I have only gone over some of them but I
am for the most part caught up on the most recent and relevant ones. I
will try to update everyone on things at least once a week along the
lines similar to the format below - trying to keep things as short and
sweet as possible. I think it is important that someone integrates all
the scattered emails into one condensed summary. If there was anything I
missed please add to what I have said.
Lindsey, the comments you made regardin a possibly online/virtual
component to the conference are really solid ones and I added them here:
http://www.opendiv.org/index.php?title=WSFII.Africa.Online . Please feel
free to further develop this idea and lets all work to look into the
possibilities of how to move this forward.
Lindsey, Ian, Tracy, I incorporated your comments into a proposed
Resource Page on WSFII.Africa.2007 wiki - Kloschi I created a place on
opendiv is just a simple resource page listing resources relevant to
organizing the summit and the summit. We can have a tie in with the blog
on the site as well at both the Resource page of the wsfiiafrica2007
wiki and the Main Page. My thought is that some of the resources could
actually be developed into sessions.
Kloschi, - Regarding Blog for ongoing news and information - great idea.
I am willing to lead this & also coordinate with others in wsfii to get
relevant content + hopefull to work Lindsey & other to better promote
our work. OVF would welcome the integration of that with what we had
planned in terms of our opendigitalvillage webiste. However we also need
to have a space to feature the Open Digital Village Projects and the
overall thematic/concept. So I think we make want to think that through
as wsfii is a huge umbrella group of orgs. What OVF puts forward with
the ODiV may not be directly relevant to the whole wsfii network so it
might be better to have a specific branded wsfii blog.
Overworking Kloschi - How can we address this issue? Make of list of
items you need help with. I can help & get help from others, putting
out notices here. He says he will be updating us on his process in
working out the web issues in the next few days.
Marco I read your email adressed to wirelessghana-staff & wsfii
regarding meeting you & Daniel on the question of involvement of
NGO/Gov/Edu in relation (CRCs) & Ghana MoC. Please note MoC is already
aware of our work:
I will make sure Kafui (OVF Ghana Director) is updated on the meeting.
"Introduction workshops for local or even national officials, or
students of non-ict lessons from the universities" is relevant to the
fact that OVF is working with UEW and other partners to establish the
Winneba Open Digital Village (WODiV). UEW is a school for teachers (main
teaching institution in Ghana; enrollment 7000). By the way...OVF's
plan: use WODiV as leverage point training teachers to operate ODiVs and
to to connect people in the rural part of ghana with the world.
Summit could include a session focusing on leaders, faculty & rep for
MoC. Special workshop would intro wsfii/WiLUG/WoDIV/WirelessGhana. Next
step could be to put Marco's meeting notes
into a page under
s (create a section under workshop and then a section for Introductory
wsfii/WODiV/WiluG/WirelessGhana workshop)
Daniel: regarding Kofi Anan Center of Ecellence - good lead. Thxs for
keeping us updated on the "possibilities for an 4weeks landline or
alike." However it is not clear if this means we'd move the conference
venue. If yes, that might complicate things with UEW - they've committed
to host the summit. Any ballpark idea of bandwidth requirements are - so
we can realistically plan for the capacity?
Finally I will be posting a general work plan onto the wiki that I
discussed extensively with Kafui and also will break up the Proposal we
have put together into sections and also offer the full download version
of the document. So everyone can be updated on the various ideas and
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