[wsfii-discuss] Define: What is WSFII / WSFII Africa?

Ian Howard ihoward at netdotworking.com
Sat May 26 15:04:42 UTC 2007

Marco, All,

My impression was that WSFII was not just about CWN, it was about 
promoting an alternative to the propreitary discussions that tend to 
dominate most summits, such as the WSIS. This idea emerged as a way to 
promote these open infrastructures, technologies and models. That at 
least is what I recall. We changed the name to summitS in London, to 
imply that there would be several of these events that could happen in 
multiple locations. The event has largely focused on wireless 
networking, naturally, but in London there were numerous other related 
projects and I think that in Africa discussions about fibre, internet 
exchange points, open source development etc should also be brought in. 
I think that it is best to have WSFII Africa focus on Africa, but yes, 
bringing guests from around the world will enrich the event and will 
also help to disseminate what we learn elsewhere.


marco wrote:
> Daniel and Marco (Berlin) have met recently to discuss some WSFII related issues. One pertinent was the meaning of WSFII in general and WSFII Africa 2007 in special ... We have assumed that the WSFII idea is to connect CWN globally, but to which level? Maybe its not enough to have some peer leaders chat at times. The WSFII spirit may be to bring members from these projects together in a single event, from these local projects - globally, to exchange on technical and social matters and to have a beer/palm-wine after, or two.
> WSFII global: A global approach also means to connect across the language barriers. The french, spanish and english networks are linked by a few people who have the language skills and the opportunity to travel a lot. To organize a global meeting offering multi-language panels and a global web-project thats not enough linkage yet.
> If eligible, still the question remains in how far the WSFII will ever accord to the aim of a global summit. It would be nice to have some comments based on the AJS experience regarding wether there could be a global WSFII-meeting.
> WSFII Africa 2007: According to the current state of preperations for the WSFII Africa 2007 (check the „infrastructure“ minutes from the recent preparatory meeting near accra, ghana, in the wiki) it is rather resembling to the concepts of the meetings in US, Spain, GB, Denmark, Germany. The WSFII Africa shall be a local meeting with international guests. Facing the hot period of the preperations these days,(1) it could be usefull to rather concentrate on the support and the interconnection of the African projects, than on the idea of representing the global CWN movements(!), nevertheless open to everybody. Still there will be the opportunity to follow up the previous global discussions as for instance that one on economic sustainability raised in washington once more, or the potential and strategies of implementing VoIP in CWNs.
> grts from berlin
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