[wsfii-discuss] batman license

Rob Dyke rob at comwifinet.com
Fri Nov 2 15:16:10 UTC 2007

Different licenses for different parts of the puzzle? I see a conflict here. Commercial actors may have the tools (code) but not the knowledge (documentation) necessary to make them work. Perhaps releasing the code as text (under CC by-na-ca) rather than as code (under GPL) would bring about harmony of intention and the non-commercial restriction desired. Else GPL the documentation like the code and be done with it.

Rob Dyke

----- Original Message -----
From: "Axel Neumann" <axel at open-mesh.net>
To: "Discuss list on the World Summit on Free Information Infrastructure" <wsfii-discuss at lists.okfn.org>
Sent: Friday, November 2, 2007 10:53:46 AM (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: Re: [wsfii-discuss] batman license (Was: funding supernodes)

All documents/code on open-mesh.net are licensed individually and define this 
with its header of footer.
Generally, most of the source code (BATMAN) is licensed under GPL, so it 
allows commercial usage...
Most of the documents as well as the content of the web-pages is licensed 
under CC by-nc-sa. This license does not allow commercial usage.


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