[wsfii-discuss] OpenHardware

Juergen Neumann j.neumann at ergomedia.de
Tue May 6 17:08:23 UTC 2008

Hi all, 

back from OpenTech Summit Taiwan there is a lot to tell. Marek did a great job in organizing the event togehter with many help from the locales. Xavier and his friends from France did a video which they will publish soon. 

But now I have a more or less urgent request. I was offered some 10.000 GPS modules while beeing in Taiwan. The modules need some more electronic arround them to be functional. I thought, maybe some of you could make use of them, eg. by building a GPS tracker e.g. for OpenStreetMaps in Africa or India. Is anybody interested to hear more, then please contact me on the open hardware mailinglist: https://lists.openpattern.org/mailman/listinfo/open-hw or via PM. 

There are some nice blogs out there with impressions on OTS.tw, eg:
http://pradeepto.livejournal.com (Thank you, Pradeepto!). And here are some pictures:



Here are some pictures http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilyaericlee/sets/72157604747361082/ 

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